I'm not a fancy writer... just a girl that likes a good drink.


Check out my new 3D MAP!!!

Woo hoo!!! It's here!!! My very own 3D map!

So now it's even easier to find a happy hour near you!! Just click on my "Eyes Icon" in the upper-right corner and you'll go straight to it! 
(or just click here)

Gosh, I feel like a proud mommy and her little baby has just taken it's first steps. :) 
(But of course, my baby carries a Vodka bottle.)

And soon I'll be adding ALL happy hours around town on to the map!  

But there's more! Stay tuned because soon there will be...
***drum roll***
*A Vixen's L.A. Happy Hour App for iPhones and Androids!!!  Yep!! It's in the works so stay tuned!!! 

And a very special thanks to the crew at CyberCity3D for help making these dreams come to life! I'm very grateful.
*tears up*


  1. Awesome!! Good for you (and all of us dedicated followers, for that matter). Congratulation, Vix! An app?? Wow, now I've see it all. haha

  2. Thanks!!! I'm super excited! And I truly appreciated the support!


  3. As I have said since I found your site - you are the wind beneath my wings!! Keep up the good work:)))))) Sheila


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